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Learn more about Do More Steps
‘Do More Steps’ is a project created by Dr Ash Bowden, also known to his community as Doctor Do More, whose goal is to improve access to and engagement with physical activity to benefit health and happiness. Do More Steps started after Dr Ash ran a step challenge for his local community on the Central Coast called #MoveAgainstCancer, a fundraiser for Cancer Council NSW with the purpose of encouraging as many people as possible to register, track their step count and take as many steps as they can throughout September. The challenge started in 2020 with 600 participants and raised $13,000, the following years increasing participation the event raised $101,000 and $52,000.
Dr Ash Bowden is a doctor passionate about physical activity and exercise and how it improves health.
The term ‘exercise’ was often thought only as using the gym, running or bootcamps, Dr Ash runs walking events to get those that are unexcited by ‘mainstream exercise’ boosting their endorphins in the most safe and accessible way. For more information about Doctor Do More visit https://do-more.live/about and see the Do More Movement Directory for those wanting to find more ways to get active.